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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Reupholstering Sprung and Drop-in Seats on Upright Chairs

You can repair and renovate upholstered chairs with modern materials and some special tools: a latch lever, hammer and a webbing stretcher. For a spring seat, you also need a curved needle and strong thread tapestry. All materials are available from suppliers of upholstery.

Drop in seat
Take a chairseat and place it upside down on a table. Use a tack lifter to remove the pins, and remove the pins, and remove the coverings and others.

Plane of a small wood from the seat frame about 2 inches on each side of the corners to facilitate adjustment padding when the new upholstery is installed. Fill the holes with wood filler and sand the frame with sandpaper.

Cut three lengths of ribbon fabrics for upholstery fit behind the seat and in front more than 8 inches. Fold under 1 inch of the first end and connect it to the back of the main front frame, using five pins arranged in the shape of W.

Stretch it using the stretcher belts and then the three pins with a hammer to keep the belts, then 1 inch from the edge pins. Fold a surplus of pins and two pins on the disk. Install the two tapes from back to front, exactly the distance on both sides of the first.

Adjust the belt in the same manner from side to side of the frame. Weave in the central belt, and below the first set of strips, weaving the other two above, below and then on the first set of tapes.

Cut a piece of hessian 1 inch larger than the frame around it. It focuses on the strap and run a temporary tack half way through the center of each page. Fold the excess Hesse along the back, take a tack driver and take out the temporary tack and drive a tack in the very center.

Stretch to turn every corner and secure with pins. Drive a pin at 1-inch intervals along the fold. Secure in a hessian in the same way along the edge and there along the two sides.

Cut a piece of foam 1 cm thick on the size of the saddle more than ½ inch all around. Use a hacksaw to cut around the top edge of the chamfer at an angle of 45 degrees, but leave the bottom ¼ inch of the sides to form a lip intact. On the underside of foam plates, using the center and glue a piece of ½ inch thick foam-class smart drive 2 inches less round than the seat, with a water-based glue.

arrange the foam in order, chip the foam down on the hessian. Tack the top ¼ inch lip on the outer frame. Work outward from the center of each side, the space for the pins of ½ inch, 2 inches and stop angles. V Cut a notch out of the foam at each corner, on top of each side of the V and use the same tack to ensure the top of the frame. End at turn angles.

Cut a piece of canvas the size of the chair and 4 inches in diameter. Center it on the foam and keep the exterior of the frame in the center of each side with a temporary tack. Increasing the bed and sticky flag near the outer edge of the bottom of the frame, and half on each side. Tack the flag to 1-inch intervals and draw it taut as you work. In the corners, smooth to the point of the calico in the corner and nails. Fold excess of tissue on a clean fold on each side, overlapping folds in the bottom and secure with pins only.


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